MCS Resources

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Resources

West Australian Task Force on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Contact: Dianne Sulman


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/West-Australian-Task-Force-on-Multiple-Chemical-Sensitivity-228319050557164/timeline/

The WA Task Force has a facebook page is for people to contact them in Western Australia. The Task Force can provide contact with services and other environmentally aware projects and organisations in Western Australia that maybe useful for someone with MCS.

Allergy, Sensitivity and Environmental Health Association. (ASEHA Qld)

Website: This website has been hacked, an archived version can be found at the following 

04 May 2013 – Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome | JobAccess – Trove (nla.gov.au)

This group operated in Queensland for nearly 30 years, the Association closed in 2013 but the website remains as a tribute to the hard work performed by Dorothy Bowes retired President of ASHEA.

The website has information for allergy and chemical sensitivity sufferers.

Here are two of the publications from the website:

A guide to living with MCS – The aim of this Guide is to assist people with MCS in dealing with their sensitivities by providing steps that can be implemented to reduce their exposure to chemical triggers.   Practical advice for living with MCS, the pitfalls and some solutions.

MCS visitors Guidelines – What you need to know about having visitors in your home safely.

Australian Disability Clearing House on Education and Training.
Information on  participation in education and training free from discrimination and on the same basis as other students.

Disability Specific Adjustments: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in the Education and Training Setting – ADCET

Australian Occupational Health and safety Union Reps :http://www.ohsrep.org.au/hazards/chemicals/multiple-chemical-sensitivity

Disability employment.

The Australian government website for disability Employment access has changed and was very useful for those with a disability. This form of the website can be found at the following archive website

04 May 2013 – Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome | JobAccess – Trove (nla.gov.au)


Australian Hospital guidelines for MCS.


There are currently four  – available in SA, WA, Vic and the ACT.

Australian MCS Hospital Guidelines can be found from the following links

Victoria 2011: A pdf for downloading here MCS guidelines for Victorian hospitals

South Australia 2010: MCS Hospital Guidelines for South Australia

ACT 2012: http://www.health.act.gov.au/c/health?a=dlpubpoldoc&document=2787

Western Australia:  http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/publications/tabledpapers.nsf/displaypaper/3814445c4f180533eea73781482579f2000ec798/$file/4445.pdf

NSW: Does not have hospital guidelines but does have a fact sheet on MCS. NSW MCS Fact Sheet

Chemical Intolerance Screening questionaries. Diagnostic Aide : The Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI) from  http://drclaudiamiller.com/QEESI/


Diagnosing a person with MCS requires a detailed medical and environmental history. The Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI) is a standardised and validated screening questionaries that is readily available for download. It can be employed to obtain a profile of a patients’ self reported symptoms and intolerances. The Inventory provides information on a patients Symptom Severity, Chemical intolerances, Other intolerances and Life impact. The Inventory can be used as a diagnostic tool and as a baseline to monitor a patients’ progress over time.

This investigation is readily available, easy to administer and interpret. It can be downloaded from the link shown in the slide or search for QEESI on a search engine. Individuals with symptoms of chemical intolerance can take the completed inventory  and the interpretation sheet to their doctor.

It can also be used to observe and note down when exposures and symptoms occur in different settings and conditions. Exposures between home, work or other environments (holidays) can then be compared.

 It is also legal to use for medical practitioners.  The QEESI may be downloaded from  http://drclaudiamiller.com/QEESI/

The Labyrinth.  Michellina Van Loder is a Professional Writer, Journalist and Blogger. This is where she shares her tales about trail blazing her way out of the Labyrinth of Chemical Sensitivities and Mould. This is also where you will find the latest Research on related topics. 

Chronic Health Information“Chronic Health Info” is a free research based information resource on chronic illnesses. The information contains both medical and alternative treatment as well as tools to help diagnose and manage this conditions.

Access to Buildings and Services: Guidelines and Information

The labyrinth information and access

A pdf copy of the Access to Building and Services guidelines can also be downloaded here


Comprehensive information on MCS.  MEpedia is a crowd-sourced, Wikipedia-style encyclopedia of the news, history, and science of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).


A leaflet produced by ANRES describing why a school should be fragrance free.


An ANRES produced leaflet for teachers, principals, other school staff, school children and parents describing the problems for children with MCS in the school environment.

MCS in the School Environment

The Food Intolerance Network www.fedup.com.au  is the Australian agents for the Wein personal and room ionizers .

Wein ionic air purifiers (personal and room models) have been proven effective for people with perfume sensitivities.
The tiny silent wearable units which create a bubble of pure air about your head and face as a defence against perfume, dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses, mould and smoke. And the silent room Ionic Air Purifier beats all competitors.

People with MCS/IEI often have food intolerances and many members of the 15,000 member Food Intolerance Network at www.fedup.com.au have found these Wein units useful for perfume, chemical and fragrance issues.

See more including scientific references and personal reports under Product details https://store16061019.ecwid.com/Wein-ionic-air-purifiers-p128364942

Reports from more users https://www.fedup.com.au/demo-content/product-information/feedback-on-wein-air-purifiers
Wearable air purifiers for fragrance sensitivity – do they really work? https://www.fedup.com.au/news/blog/wearable-air-purifiers-for-fragrance-sensitivity-do-they-really-work