We are asking people to register their Environmental Sensitivities. The data is starting to come in and this is a selection of the early results. Remember, this is early data and we have yet to reach many of the people with Environmental Sensitivity conditions, including those with EHS/ES who have trouble accessing computers and internet.
Environmental Sensitivity Conditions listed on ANRES
MCS – Multiple Chemical Sensitivity;
CFS/ME – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis; EHS/ES – Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity/Electro-sensitivity; Lyme Disease and/or its co-infections; Biotoxin-related illness; Fibromyalgia; Food Sensitivity; Fragrance Sensitivity; Other |
Number of Conditions
Many people with Environmental Sensitivity have conditions that overlap and co-exist. Those registering are able to select more than one Environmental Sensitivity condition.
The numbers of conditions that registrants selected are represented as percentages of those reporting 1 condition to the maximum of 6 conditions, as shown in Figure 1 below.
Environmental Sensitivity Conditions
The most selected conditions so far from the registrants are MCS (75%), Food Sensitivity (68.8%), Fragrance Sensitivity (67.5%), EHS (57.5%) and CFS (33.8%), as shown in Figure 2 below.
As the registrants were able to select several conditions the calculated percentages do not add up to 100%. |
Common Environmental Sensitivity Co-Conditions
The most common co-conditions are shown in the three following graphs, Figures 3 – 5.
MCS – The most commonly selected MCS co-conditions are Fragrance and Food Sensitivity (both 62.5%), EHS/ES (37.5%) and CFS (30%), shown in Figure 3.
EHS/ES – The most commonly selected EHS/ES co-conditions are MCS (37.5%), Food Sensitivity (33.8%) Fragrance Sensitivity (32.5%), shown in Figure 4.
CFS – The most commonly selected CFS co-conditions are MCS (30.0%), Food Sensitivity (30.0%) and Fragrance Sensitivity (27.5%), shown in Figure 5.
Food and Fragrance Sensitivity
Food and Fragrance Sensitivities commonly co-exist with:
- MCS – at 62.5% for both Food Sensitivity and Fragrance Sensitivity, shown in Figure 3.
- EHS/ES – at 33.8% for Food Sensitivity and 32.5% for Fragrance Sensitivity, shown in Figure 4.
- CFS – at 30.0% for Food Sensitivity and 27.5% for Fragrance Sensitivity, shown in Figure 5.